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Four Board members with Chancellor and Mrs. Block

From left to right: Board members Al Aubin, Maggie McGinley, Barbara Rabinowitz and Elizabeth Juncosa with Carol Block and Chancellor Gene Block. Photo by Todd Cheney, UCLA Photography, October 2022. 

UCLARA Board of directors

The Board of Directors is a dedicated group of retired members who meet monthly during the academic year. Board members take active leadership roles in administering the affairs of the Association and serve as chairs for the many standing and special committees.

The Board is always looking for talented members to serve in leadership roles so contact us if you are interested in becoming involved.

 Officers, Members at Large

 Committee Chairs and Liaisons

Judith Tuch - President*

Al Aubin - Campus & Community Relations Chair

Jack Powazek - Vice President/President-Elect* Michael Heafey - Program Chair
Elaine Fox - Past President*, Nominating Committee Chair Maggie McGinley - Interest Group Chair

Susan Gutman - Treasurer*

Margaret Johnson - Historian

Etsu Garfias - Recording Secretary*

Mary Petersen - Membership Records Chair
Barbara Rabinowitz - Corresponding Secretary John Dahl - Membership Marketing Chair,  Information Technology Chair

Stephanie Bradford - Member-at-Large

Dolores Dyer - Travel Chair
Sheila Mann - Member-at-Large

Sue Abeles - Mentorship

Keith Parker Member-at-Large

Toby Ann Cronin - Newsletter Editor

John Timmins - Member-at-Large Jane Permaul Emeriti Association Liaison
  Pat Webber-Alumni Affairs Liaison

*Members of the Executive       Committee

Ayesha Dixon - Director, Emeriti/Retirees Relations Center    (ex officio)

Email the Retirees Association at

Or phone the UCLA Emeriti/Retirees Relations Center at 310-825-7456

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