Do you have a hobby to pursue, a talent to discover, or a game to master? Join a UCLARA interest group to connect with other members who share your interests. Volunteer-led groups include book clubs, board and card games, play reading and travel.
Most groups have resumed in-person meetings, while others continue to meet via Zoom.
If a group has an opening for new members, you’ll see contact information.
Book ClubsCampus Book Club - meeting on UCLA campus. Open to new members. Fourth Thursdays, 12:15 p.m. Email Sheila Mann Thousand Oaks Book Club - meeting in person, open to new members. Second Thursdays, 10 a.m. Email Diane McCaustland San Fernando Retiree Book Club - meeting via Zoom Brentwood Book Club - meeting in person | Board and Card GamesIntermediate Bridge - on hiatus. Third Thursdays, 11:45 a.m., UCLA. Planning on meeting in person soon. If interested, email Mary Petersen Mah Jongg: West L.A. - meeting but has no openings. Mah Jongg: Valley Intermediate - meeting in person, open to new members. Second and fourth Tuesdays, 10:15 a.m., Canoga Park. Email Karen Fond Scrabble: Intermediate - Meeting in person at the Faculty Club. First Thursdays, 1:15 p.m., UCLA. Email Kathleen Olson | OutdoorsHiking Group - Hikes are mostly in the LA area, with a varied schedule. See announcements for upcoming hikes in the bimonthly ERRC newsletter and email announcements. Participants are required to register for each hike. Hikes are listed with other "Upcoming Events" on the home page of this website; registration links are provided. |
| Starting a New Interest GroupWant to start a new group? There is always room for more and the possibilities are endless: photography, movies, chess, social happy hour, golf and much more. Starting a group is easy. Just follow the instructions in the UCLARA Interest Group Start-up Guide. Questions about existing groups or about starting a group? Email Maggie McGinley, UCLARA Interest Groups chair. Include your name, contact information and details about an interest group you would like to see formed. |