PARTNERSHIPS AND CONSORTIUMSUCLARA believes in the power of collaboration, and works actively with many partners on campus, throughout the UC system and nationally. Here are some of our key partners. |
'About Us' Section Partnerships and Consortiums
| UCLA Emeriti AssociationThe UCLA Emeriti Association represents UCLA Senate faculty who have retired, and advocates their interests to the campus and University of California administrations. Formed in 1967, the UCLA Emeriti Association was the first organization of its kind in the country and remains a model for emeriti associations on the other UC campuses and nationally. The Emeriti and UCLARA jointly present after-lunch programs featuring speakers and performances. Emeriti Association activities also include arts and crafts exhibits and mentoring programs. The UCLA Emeriti Newsletter is published three times a year. UCLA Emeriti Association Website UCLA Staff AssemblyStaff Assembly represents staff employees at all levels. Founded in 1978, Staff Assembly provides a forum for staff to discuss campus issues and voice opinions to the administration. Just as students become alumni, staff become retirees. So UCLARA actively supports Staff Assembly, including Staff Scholarships for career enhancement and professional growth. | Council of UC Retirees Associations (CUCRA)CUCRA is a consortium that represents retired staff from the entire University of California system. The council was formed in 1993 by representatives of the UC campus retiree associations. CUCRA’s goal is to provide a voice for retirees in continuing dialog with UC leadership. The emphasis is on issues that affect retiree benefits and privileges. CUCRA meets twice a year, rotating among UC locations. CUCRA and CUCEA (see description below) also meet jointly twice a year to discuss issues of common concern to staff retirees and emeriti. CUCRA sponsored its first system-wide retiree survey in 2016, and its second in 2020. UCLARA is an active member of CUCRA. Council of UC Emeriti Associations (CUCEA)CUCEA is a consortium that represents retired faculty from the entire University of California system. The council was formed in 1987 by representatives of the UC campus emeriti associations. CUCEA’s goal is to foster close and mutually supportive relations among its member campus-based associations as well as with all levels of the University's governance. CUCEA meets twice a year, alternating between northern and southern campus locations. Bibliographic surveys of emeriti activity are conducted on a regular basis. The UCLA Emeriti Association is an active member of CUCEA. Association of Retirement Organizations in Higher Education (AROHE)AROHE is a nation-wide organization that links retirement associations and retiree and emeriti centers across the country. AROHE was founded in 2002. Both CUCRA and CUCEA (described above) are members of AROHE, as are UCLARA and the UCLA Emeriti Association. |