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ERRC - UCLA Athletic Director, Martin Jarmond

  • Monday, February 06, 2023
  • 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
  • Virtual via ZOOM


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Martin Jarmond (@MartinJarmond) / Twitter

UCLA Athletic Director, Martin Jarmond

Martin Jarmond, a nationally recognized leader in college athletics, has built an impressive track record of competitive excellence, innovative strategy and student athlete success. A two-time recipient of Sports Business Journal’s Forty Under 40 Award with 20 years in sports administration spanning three conferences, Jarmond is guiding UCLA to new heights through his culture of an E.L.I.T.E. mindset – Energy, Leadership, Integrity, Toughness and Excellence. Jarmond’s results-driven strategies combined with a relentless work ethic to elevate UCLA Athletics creates an exceptional experience for student-athletes and fans alike.

Martin will talk about his ELITE initiative, current priorities for the winter and spring sports, revenue challenges and anything he can publicly share about the Big 10 move.


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Meeting ID: 914 2959 0443

Passcode: 475061

The UCLA Emeriti/Retirees Relations Center serves the retired faculty and staff communities through advocacy, education and personalized services pre- and post- retirement, creates strategic partnerships between the university, emeriti and retirees, and seeks to enrich the quality of life in retirement at UCLA. The ERRC, an advocate and supporter of UCLA retirees since 1969.

Our goal is to provide a comprehensive approach to retirement by connecting Bruins to resources that focus on wellness, economic sustainability, relationship building, personal growth, social responsibility and civic engagement.

Email the Retirees Association at

Or phone the UCLA Emeriti/Retirees Relations Center at 310-825-7456

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