Above-The Grand Salon of the Nethercutt Museum; Below-the exterior of the Museum in Sylmar, CA.
Sponsored by the UCLA Retirees Association.
Come with us on a reach back to automotive and collectible history for a guided tour of the Nethercutt Collection in the North SF Valley. The Nethercutt Collection & Museum houses several hundred Antique, Vintage Black Iron and Classic automobiles, displayed in a beautiful setting, together with the finest assemblage of Mechanical Musical Instruments, which will be demonstrated on the 2 hour tour. An optional and additional visit to the 1937 Royal Hudson Locomotive & 1912 Pullman Private Car is also available after the Nethercutt Collection tour and begins at 12:30pm.
The Nethercutt was founded in 1956 by J.B. Nethercutt and his wife Dorothy who found beauty in classic autos. J.B. was an heir to the Merle Norman Cosmetics fortune which his son and daughter-in-law run today. J.B. and Dorothy continued collecting and restoring until their passing in 2004. J.B.'s son, Jack and his wife, Helen continue today both at the Museum and Merle Norman.
There is a small cost of $10 per person for the docent led tour of the collection. Nearby parking is free. The tour lasts 2 hours so wear comfortable shoes. No food or beverages than water are permitted inside. Please assemble outside the Museum's entrance by 9:30am for check in. The docent led tour begins at 10am sharp.
Directions and Parking The Nethercutt Museum & Collection buildings are located across the street from each other. The Parking Lot is located at 15151 Bledsoe St., at the corner of Bledsoe St. and Bradley Ave. There is a gate on Bradley Ave, just before the intersection of Bledsoe and Bradley. Everyone should park in the Nethercutt Museum lot (open gate on Bradley) and come in to register in that building before heading over to the Nethercutt Collection on Bledsoe St. across the street.
For more Museum information, kindly visit them at www.nethercuttcollection.org
COVID safety In accordance with LA County's COVID safeguards, no vaccination records are being checked, but it is strongly encouraged to wear masks indoors. If you are feeling ill, please do not attend this event. The Nethercutt Collection and Museum are both accommodating for the physically challenged.
The UCLA Emeriti Association and the UCLA Retirees Association (UCLARA) are both all-volunteer organizations that represent the interests of UCLA's retired faculty/staff and plan programs for their members. Support their advocacy efforts by joining or renewing your membership. Membership forms will be available at the program.