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UCLA Kindness Institute

  • Friday, May 26, 2023
  • 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
  • Virtual via ZOOM


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Be Kind – high quality poster – Photowall

UCLA Kindness Insitute

The UCLA Bedari Kindness Institute was established to provide an interdisciplinary platform dedicated to the research, education, and practice of kindness, with the goal of transforming the individual and society as informed by the understanding and practice of kindness. The interdisciplinary research of the Institute is achieved through deep engagement across UCLA.

In this presentation, representatives will discuss the history, goals, and future of the Bedari Kindness Institute. To illustrate some of the many approaches to the topic of kindness, they'll describe two projects.

  1. In the first project, clinicians are seeking to enhance compassion in healthcare, and reduce burnout among healthcare workers, by developing a research-based training program to assist clinicians in understanding how subconscious assessments facilitate or impede kindness. 
  2. In the second project, research reveals that a particular emotional reaction facilitates "contagious kindness". Understanding how this emotion operates is informing an ongoing effort to enhance kindness through online interactions.

Research: Engage in interdisciplinary research on kindness rooted in academic work but delivered in formats and on timelines accessible to those within and outside of academia

Education: Leverage UCLA’s exceptional faculty and reach and provide a global platform to educate and communicate insights from the research across traditional and new media platforms and through public events

Practice: Translate research and insights into real-world applications working with and disseminating through strategic partnerships to achieve scale and impact with the goal of transforming individuals and society through the understanding and practice of kindness

The UCLA Bedari Kindness Institute was established through a $20 million gift to UCLA College’s Social Sciences Division by The Bedari Foundation, created by philanthropists Jennifer and Matthew Harris ‘84. The Bedari Foundation’s mission is to catalyze change in environment, energy, health and wellness, and community systems.


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The UCLA Emeriti/Retirees Relations Center serves the retired faculty and staff communities through advocacy, education and personalized services pre- and post- retirement, creates strategic partnerships between the university, emeriti and retirees, and seeks to enrich the quality of life in retirement at UCLA. The ERRC, an advocate and supporter of UCLA retirees since 1969.

Our goal is to provide a comprehensive approach to retirement by connecting Bruins to resources that focus on wellness, economic sustainability, relationship building, personal growth, social responsibility and civic engagement.

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